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4~6월 Debate in English

강사 Patrick J. Stewart
수강기간 24-04-04(목)~24-06-27(목) /8회 수업
요일/시간 17:10~18:40 (목요일 / 주1회)
강의실 3층 회의실
강좌소개 We will be going through the textbook learning debate strategies and vocabulary, while also debating a specific, interesting topic each week, in smaller groups and as a class. The goal of the class is to practice having civil debates while exploring interesting topics from different angles. Copies of the text will be provided, or you can pick up a copy yourself.
모집현황 신청 2명 / 정원 20명
모집인원 20명
접수기간 24-02-26(월) ~ 24-05-19(일)
수강료 결제마감일 온라인환불 기타
80,000원 불가능 (방문 취소 및 환불요청서를 이메일 또는 팩스로 전송) 제시된 금액은 2개월 수강료입니다. 수강신청 전 환불규정을 확인하시기 바랍니다.
[학    력]
Master of Arts in Religious Studies, University of Wales, Lampeter, UK, 2006.
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy , University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 1999.

[경 력]
March 2009- Current :  English teacher at Dongguk University, Seoul
March 2006- March 2009: English teacher at The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon
March 2005-February 2006: English teacher, Gyeongsang National University
Day 1: Introductions. Unit 1: Have an Opinion. Topic: A.I.*  (*All topics subject to change)

Day 2: Unit 1: Have an Opinion (continued). Topic: Films vs Books

Day 3: Unit 1: Have an Opinion (continued) Topic: Cloning

Day 4: Unit 2:  Explaining your Opinion. Topic: We Should all be Vegetarian

Day 5: Unit 2: Explaining your Opinion (continued). Topic: Sports Stars and Idols should be Role Models

Day 6: Unit 2: Explaining your Opinion (continued). Topic: Immigration

Day 7: Unit 3: Supporting your Opinion. Topic: Gun Control

Day 8: Unit 3: Supporting your Opinion (continued). Topic: Religion in School

Day 9: Unit 3: Supporting your Opinion (continued). Topic: Cyberbullying

Day 10: Unit 4: Organizing your Opinion. Topic: Biotech and Life Extension

Day 11: Unit 4: Organizing your Opinion (continued). Topic: Drugs

Day 12: Unit 4: Organizing your Opinion (continued). Topic: Capital Punishment
교재: Discover Debate: Basic Skills for Supporting and Refuting Opinions
We will be going through the textbook learning debate strategies and vocabulary, while also debating a specific, interesting topic each week, in smaller groups and as a class. The goal of the class is to practice having civil debates while exploring interesting topics from different angles. Copies of the text will be provided, or you can pick up a copy yourself.
* 서초문화대학 환불규정 *

· 정규강의 시작 전 접수기간에는 전액 환불 가능
· 개강 후 환불 시 횟차 수강료(공휴일은 수업시수에 포함됨)차감하여 차액 환불
· 8주차까지만 환불 가능하며, 9주차(3월, 6월,9월,12월)부터는 환불 불가